Communion is a part of many of our services and we do it to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, when He willingly submitted to torture and death on the cross – the bread to represent how his body was broken and the wine represents Jesus’s blood which was shed on the cross. Because of this sacrifice, when we believe in Him, we can be forgiven of our sins and have the oportunity to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Jesus said that we should do communion often to remember what He did. You can find out more from the Bible:
Matthew: chapter 26: verses 20 to 30
1 Corinthians: chapter 11: verses 23 to 34
The Church of England website has information and guidance about participating in the act of communion – you can find out more information here.
Children are welcome to participate in the communion – you can download our policy on children and communion here.
A number of our communion services are broadcast on our Facebook Page. Past recordings of some of our communion services can be found on the St Nicholas Marston YouTube Channel.
Contact Us
St Nicholas Church
C/O Marston Vicarage
Elsfield Road
Old Marston
Email:Â administrator
Tel: 01865 580 354
09:30-14:30 Tu/Th
About Us
Your local churches at the heart of the community of Old Marston in Oxford and Elsfield village in Oxfordshire.
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