
Even if you are not a regular church-goer, the parish clergy are always available to take a funeral for anyone living in the parish. We will arrange to meet with you and do everything we can to make the service, whether in church or at the crematorium, as personal and as special as possible.

It is often easiest to contact one of the excellent local undertakers in the first instance. They will explain the different options available and make all the necessary arrangements.

Of course, if you wish to make your own contact with the Vicar, we will be happy to help and advise, and to speak to you in the days before the funeral.


If you would like to be buried in the church yard then please contact our administrator to find out more information.

Alternatively you may wish to be buried at the the cemetery along Elsfield Road. The cemetery is owned and managed by Old Marston Parish Council. To find out more then contact the clerk or you can you can visit their website: Cemetery | Old Marston Parish Council (

You can download the churchyard regulations here.

You can download the summary of churchyard regulations for memorials and ledger stones here, along with the application form.

Bereavement Support Group

This is a small informal group and meets in the church hall on the second Friday of each month from 10-11.15am. It is most likely to benefit those who have been bereaved in the last two years but may also be suitable for others. If you are interested, please contact Eileen Palayiwa on 01865 725423.

Memorial Garden
Church Yard

Contact Us


St Nicholas Church

C/O Marston Vicarage

Elsfield Road

Old Marston


Email: administrator

Tel: 01865 580 354

09:30-14:30 Tu/Th

About Us

Your local churches at the heart of the community of Old Marston in Oxford and Elsfield village in Oxfordshire.

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